Monday, May 18, 2009

How to Remove Stains on Silk Neckties

If you haven’t ruined a necktie yet by spilling soup or coffee on it, than chances are that sooner or later such a mishap will happen to you. If the necktie is part of your daily attire, then it is just a question of time before you will get it dirty. Not only can a silk tie be quite costly, but also neckties are commonly given as presents on father’s day and Christmas. A tie your son gave you for father’s day last year will be difficult to replace and knowing how to remove a stain without damaging the tie is key.
Many experts will tell you that any attempt to clean a silk tie is a waste of time. This might be true in some cases, but there are a few tips that will get a large portion of stains removed without damaging the delicate silk fabric.

The first thing to know about cleaning a silk tie is NOT to use water. Avoid getting the tie wet as this will cause the tie to fall out of shape. The stain might be gone, but the tie just won’t look right anymore. Instead, if you can act quickly, before the spot dries, try drawing the stain out with an absorbent. Plain talcum powder sprinkled on a necktie laid flat and left overnight has salvaged some ties. Be careful to use a powder that’s free of color or perfumes. Brush the powder off later with a soft towel.

If the stain has dried, or can’t be absorbed as above, there’s probably no alternative than to use a bit of liquid. There are many commercial stain removers available, such as Woolite® and you may want to try one, sparingly and gently. Before pouring the cleaner onto the front of the tie, try a tiny sport on the back of the necktie first. Doing this will allow you to check how the liquid affects the color and the fabric of the tie. If you see the colors to fade or the silk to crinkle, then obviously use a different cleaner. Once you find a cleaner gentle enough, dab a little of it directly on the spot. Try blotting the stain away with a paper towel after allowing the cleaner a few seconds to work. Be aware that either of these methods or the application of any liquid may cause the color of the tie to change in the affected area. As long as the color doesn’t fade or wash out you are safe. The color will go back to normal once the liquid has dried.

A professional dry cleaner may be worth a try as a last resort. Keep in mind that there will probably be no guarantee, and that your tie may just as easily suffer damage in the process. You may want to specifically request that they do not press your silk tie, to preserve its softness. Also, ask them about their cleaning process. Fabric damaging chemicals, that will get the stain out, but ruin the shape of your tie, must be avoided.

If all of the above fail, here’s one more radical and perhaps final suggestion. Get the tie soaking wet with luke-warm water but first start with one of the commercial stain removers. Dab the cleaner in full-strength on the stain. Before the solution dries, immerse the tie in a lukewarm bath of water with a small amount of the same cleaner. Gently agitate it by hand for a few minutes. Avoid scrunching or scrubbing. Rinse gently with more lukewarm water. Carfully put the tie onto a towel on a flat surface and cover the tie with another towel. Put a little weight onto the tie. Perfect are a few books. Roll the now puckered tie in an absorbent towel but be careful not to stretch the fabric.

Chances are that one of the methods above will work and will salvage the tie. The best stain removing method is avoiding the stain in first place. Avoid foods that are likely to spill such as soup or spaghetti, and if the situation allows, tug your tie in between two buttons of your dress shirt.

Three necktie lines we think you should check out........

To express yourself, you need a bright idea, or a strong style, depending on the occasion. In this selection you can find luxury ties that will underline your temper.
Unique Luxury Ties section has a wide selection of Novelty themed Men's Neckties. When you need a unique necktie for that special event or activity you will find it here. There are neckties for -Sports, Flags,Animals, Food & Drink, Holidays, Music, Nautical, Boating &Planes as well as many other Novelty themes.

100% Silk Woven Ties
We are privileged to have you visit this silk woven tie section. This company is dedicated to bringing you professional clientele fine, upscale gentleman's fashions and furnishings at excellent prices.
From the array of hand sewn silk neck wear in the finest Euro designs and traditions designed for you to your taste in the finest fabrics, colors& patterns, collars, cuffs and more, they stand alone in bringing you elegant style and classic executive fashion at great value.
All of the fine neck wear are carefully constructed and finished by skilled,experienced craftsmen to our very detailed specifications.
Finally, they stand behind what they sell and continually strive for the highest levels of service in the unwavering goal of your satisfaction and patronage.

Microfiber Fabric with the Feel of Silk
Handcrafted and crisp, our collection of microfiber neckties are an excellent accessory for any upcoming interviews, board meetings, or other formal affairs.
Choose between the latest styles and designs at terrific excellent prices. Shop now for the best selections.
Microfiber is very carefree material that is more stain resistant and less likely to wrinkle. Because of this, and the slightly lower price pint, Microfiber ties have become quite popular in recent years. The design group only uses the highest quality of microfiber, fabric and the neckties are almost indistinguishable from a silk tie.

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